Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quitting Smoking - 3 Tips to Quit Cold Turkey

That fastest way to quit smoking and the cheapest way is just to stop. Easier said than done trust me I know, I smoked for 29 years. I am not going to lie or give you a pie in the sky miracle story. Quitting cold turkey is not easy; it was one of the hardest things if not the hardest thing I ever done.

When I first heard the term cold turkey, I notion of the poor crack addict out in the streets, and the horrifying withdrawals they go through. Well for me quitting smoking was not that much different. Nevertheless, it can be done and I'm going to give you some tips on how to do it.

French Door Refrigerators

Tip #1: Admit it, Your Addicted
First thing, you have to come to grips with your addiction. Call it what it is an addiction. I am not going to get into the horror stories of what happens if you don't quit. That's for an additional one article. We all read the Surgeon General's warnings and saw the pictures of the black lungs and cancer patients. Probably a lot of us know population who went through these horrendous side effects. So first thing rule that once and for all you're going to quit.

Tip#2: Quit or Not Do Not consolidate Nicotine
The first formula I tried was tapering off, cutting back on my smokes gradually. Of policy this never worked for me. It seemed to me the process was way to slow my body constantly cried out for more. Craving that nicotine fix. Then I tried the patches and gum. This one actually messed me up. Of course, I combined both and had a terrible reaction. It was actually laughable now as I look back at it.

Tip#3: What Worked for Me
Well one day, I ultimately decided sufficient was sufficient and came to the windup I was going to quit cold turkey. Things that helped,

· I drank a lot of water to flush my principles of the toxins and nicotine.
· I chewed a ton of gum.
· When the cravings hit hard, I had to divert my concentration to something else, especially had to avoid the fridge. It was risky and I started gaining weight.

A good thing about it, after 3 days for me (it is reported 3 to 5 days) the resignation symptoms irritability, tiredness, and cravings lessen a whole lot. They actually did. In addition, Nlp techniques actually helped, especially the swish-pattern.

That's how I did it. It worked for me and I wish you success. Good luck!

Quitting Smoking - 3 Tips to Quit Cold Turkey

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Safe Food warehouse Temperatures

Whether you have kids going off to college, exciting into an apartment, or if you have younger kids - you want to be sure they know about safe food storehouse temperatures. A communicate of safe storehouse for refrigerated or freezing foods can prevent serious illness. Bacteria multiplies in foods that are left at room climatic characteristic for many hours, especially meat and dairy products. Bacterial poising can ordinarily be prevented if food is properly refrigerated or freezing and cooked to sufficient temperatures. Here is a simple checklist to communicate with the family to prevent food illness from improperly stored foods.

Storing Refrigerated Food

French Door Refrigerators

There is a limit as to how long food can be kept in the fridge. Once the food begins to look or smell bad, it should be thrown out. Ensue these tips to help keep refrigerated food safe:

Always keep the climatic characteristic in the fridge at 4ºC or 40º F or less to deter bacterial growth. Store eggs in their carton on a shelf, not the door. Keep meat and poultry products in the customary packaging. Containers contains foremost information, like best before dates, whether it was previously frozen, and where the goods is from (traceability). Keep your fridge clean to avoid cross-contamination from spilled or spoiled foods Don't let meat or juices of raw meat and poultry drip causing contamination of other foods. Check labels to see if refrigeration after chance is required, once a vacuum seal is broken. Refrigerating food reduces growth of organisms which can cause food poisoning. Food is ordinarily safe up to 2 weeks after opening, unless otherwise stated on the label. Do not store food in open metal cans in the refrigerator. Exchange food to glass or plastic reusable containers.
Storing freezing Food

Keeping food at -18ºC (0º F) stops bacterial growth, but it doesn't kill bacteria already there. Food can be defrosted in the fridge, under cold running water or in the microwave. If you defrost food in the microwave, cook it immediately. Food that is freezer burnt - dry in some spots - is safe to eat but may not taste very good. Do not refreeze food that was freezing then thawed.  If you cook the food when it is thawed, then you may refreeze it.
Fridge and Freezer Checklist

After you shop, immediately put away food that needs to be refrigerated or frozen.  You'll know where they need to be by remembering which section of the grocery store you bought them in. Is the climatic characteristic of your fridge and freezer cold enough? Fridge should be 4º C (40ºF) or below. Freezer should be -18ºC (0ºF). Don't put too much in whether your fridge or freezer. Cool air must circulate freely to keep food properly chilled. Clean them both regularly
Durable Life data on Food Products

Durable life is the whole of time that an unopened goods will keep its wholesomeness, taste and nutritional value when stored under standard conditions. Manufacturers and retailer are responsible for determining the durable life of their food products.  Durable life data is not a certify of the safety of the product.  Old pancake mix, for instance, can establish dangerous mold spores and should be discarded.

It is foremost to teach kids food safety. The one rule I teach every person in my family: When in Doubt  - Throw it Out!  It is not worth risking your health on bad food.

Safe Food warehouse Temperatures

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Turkey the Old-Fashioned Way

There are many yummy ways to get ready and serve turkey. It might be deep-fried, brined, poached, grilled...to mention just a few methods of preparation. This article, however, will focus strictly on tips and techniques for preparation excellent turkey the old-fashioned way - oven roasted.

Basic Technique for Roasting a Turkey...

French Door Refrigerators

1. The safest formula for thawing a frozen turkey is by allowing the turkey to thaw in the refrigerator. Be clear to plan ahead...it will take roughly 3 days for a 20 pound turkey to defrost.

2. everybody wants to get ready sufficient turkey for the number of guests they serve, and commonly desire to have some turkey left over. To conclude the definite turkey size that will be needed, see the section below entitled 'How Much Turkey is Enough?'

3. Cooking time will differ depending on either the turkey was purchased fresh or frozen. Reason approximate cooking time in a 350F (175C) oven based on the following: 20 minutes per pound for a defrosted turkey, and 10 to 15 minutes per pound for fresh.

4. A turkey will cook more evenly if it is not densely stuffed. As an alternative, flavor may be added by loosely filling the cavity with aromatic vegetables and/or fruit -- carrots, celery, onions, apples, oranges, kumquats or garlic. Thought about tucking fresh herbs underneath the breast skin will also add flavor.

5. Before roasting, coat the covering of the turkey with vegetable or olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

6. For even roasting, it is best to truss the turkey, and especially so if roasting stuffed poultry. (See 'How to Truss a Turkey' below.)

7. Set the turkey on a rack in a large roasting pan to promote maximum air and heat circulation and to ensure that it cooks evenly. To yield moister, juicier white meat, place the turkey 'breast-down' on the rack. This technique will preclude the turkey breast from overcooking and becoming dry.

8. Set the roasting pan on the lowest rack of the oven to keep the turkey away from the top, which is the hottest part of the oven.

9. Once the turkey is cooking in the oven, resist the temptation to 'peek' inside by chance the oven door. chance and closing the oven door will cause the climatic characteristic to fluctuate, which will only increase the likelihood of a dry turkey. Avoid chance the oven door until roughly 45 minutes before the turkey anticipated to be done.

10. After checking for doneness (see 'When is the Turkey Done?' guidelines below), remove roasting pan from the oven, tent the turkey with foil and let it 'rest' for roughly 15 minutes before carving (see tips on 'How to Carve a Turkey' below). If additional time is needed to get ready gravy, heat up side dishes, etc., the turkey may be allowed to sit at room climatic characteristic (covered) for up to an hour without losing too much heat.

11. Refrigerate any leftover turkey within 2 to 3 hours of preparation. Store in airtight, shallow containers to allow sufficient circulation of cool air; date and label the containers. Turkey may be safely stored refrigerated for roughly 5 days and frozen for up to 4 months.


How Much Turkey is Enough?

On average, to furnish 2 servings of turkey for each guest (and allowing for leftovers), the recommend weights are as follows:

> 10 pound turkey for 6 people

> 12 pound turkey for 8 people

> 15 pound turkey for 10 people

> 18 pound turkey for 12 people

> 21 pound turkey for 14 people

> 24 pound turkey for 16 people

- If you will be serving more than 16 guests (a recommended turkey size of more than 24 pounds), buy two turkeys that equal the total recommend weights.

- If the recommended turkey size is less than 12 pounds, you may wish to buy a turkey breast to roast.


How to Truss a Turkey...

To 'truss' means to gather poultry or meat into a ageement shape. Trussing will ensure even roasting. The following technique is recommended when roasting poultry, especially a stuffed turkey.

1. To truss with string, take a piece of butcher's string about three times the distance of the turkey. Place the turkey on its back, tail end nearest to you. Slide the string underneath so that it is cradling the turkey in the town of its back.

2. Slowly pull the string up the sides...then nearby the wings. Pull the strings toward you, close to the breast, so that the wings are held against the body.

3. Cross the strings at the base of the breast, then wrap each string nearby the end of a drumstick.

4. Tie the ends of the string together, cinching it tightly so that the legs cross.

5. Finally, lift the turkey so that the tail end is up and wrap the string nearby the tail. Tie the string, pulling tightly so that the cavity is covered by the tail.


When is the Turkey Done?

You will want to test your instant-read or customary meat thermometer a few days before preparation the turkey to ensure it is properly calibrated. Place the thermometer in a pot of boiling water. It should register 212F (100C) -- water's boiling point at sea level. If the reading does not reach the desired temperature, you will want to buy a new thermometer.

Keep a careful eye on the thermometer during the last half hour of cooking since the internal climatic characteristic may rise rapidly toward the end.

Using a meat thermometer, test for doneness in the thickest, meatiest parts of the turkey:

Test the widest section of the breast near the wing joint; the climatic characteristic should be 165F (73C).

Test the legs at the top of the thigh, near the hip joint; the climatic characteristic should be 180 (82C).

If cooking a stuffed turkey, conclude the internal climatic characteristic of the stuffing as well; it should be at least 165F (73C).

If using an instant-read thermometer, insert it deep sufficient to reach the heat sensor (the indentation about two-inches from the tip).

Also scrutinize the juices and oils at the lowest of the pan that are released during cooking. If they have a pinkish tinge, continue roasting; if they are clear, the turkey is probably done. (Try to insert the thermometer as infrequently as possible, to preclude the juices from escaping.)

Another way of checking for doneness is to move the leg up and down. The looser it becomes, the closer it is to being done.


How to Carve a Turkey...

To carve a turkey, it is needful that you use a sharp carving knife and a good, heavy-weight fork. The following instructions will make carving a turkey roughly effortless.

1. Begin by cutting straight through the skin where the leg meets the breast. Pull the leg away from the body with the fork and continue to cut down, close to the body, to find the joint where the thigh meets the body. Pull the leg out additional and slice right straight through the joint to remove the leg and thigh.

2. Place the leg skin-side down and search the line at the joint where the thigh and the drumstick meet. Holding your knife along this line of the thigh, you can slice surely straight through the joint. If you hit resistance, adjust your angle and try again. Cut down straight through the line and cut off the thigh from the drumstick. Repeat this process with the other leg.

3. remove the wishbone (actually the collarbone) from the turkey. Removing the bone will preclude it from splintering when you carve the breast meat.

4. Next, run your knife straight through the skin along one side of the breastbone. Then cut down along the ribs, pulling the meat Slowly away from the bones in one large piece, leaving behind as little meat as possible.

5. When you reach the wing joint, cut straight through it and continue to remove the breast from the body. Repeat with the other side.

6. Finally, remove the wings and slice the breast meat before serving. (For even, sharp slices, cut the meat against the grain.)


So, there you have it...everything you need to know about successfully roasting a turkey.

As you can see, preparation a turkey by adhering to the techniques above is not at all difficult. The small number of endeavor you spend will be well rewarded when the final product reaches the serving table and your guests rave about how surely noteworthy it is. Just remember one thing - serving a juicy, flavorful roasted turkey does not have to be reserved solely for the holiday season - it's amazing anytime of the year.

Copyright ©2005 Janice Faulk Duplantis

Turkey the Old-Fashioned Way

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Monday, February 13, 2012

What is the Best Brand of Washing Machine?

When looking for a new washing machine, the first thing you will ask is "what is the best brand of washing machine?" Today, there is a plethora of washing engine brands that are available in the market. Choosing the best one might seem like a great job. It is like looking a needle in a stack of hay.

There are a lot of good brands out there. Lg, Samsung, Haier and Maytag are some of the household names in the Us. Miele washers are more favorite in the Uk. Other brands like Kenmore, Ge and Whirlpool closely corollary in popularity.

French Door Refrigerators

If your definition of the best brand of washer is a washer brand that always delivers quality products in its best and most durable state, you are going to be disappointed. All these brands, no matter how good they all are, also fail in some terms. There are going to be customers that are bound to palpate faults and failures in these washers.

A vigilant buyer does not look for brand name alone, though this is a good starting point. If you are to incorporate on one brand for starters, you should look for a brand with a good and solid track record. That is to say, they have been in this commerce for quite some time now and they have generally pleasant reviews. Some of the washer brands that are deemed the best by general reviews are Lg, Samsung, Maytag and Miele.

Lg and Samsung are two Korean brands that have penetrated the Us market. They are good known for their transmit and cutting-edge technology. The newest washers of Lg offers direct drive motor technology. This technology solves the question of washer break downs. When a washer with direct drive motor spins, fewer parts are moving. Because of this, it does not wear out easily. In comparison to other models, the spin cycle might cause other parts to come loose and to deteriorate quickly. This is why Lg washers are usually determined some of the most durable washers.

For quite washing techniques, Samsung also produces the best. With its new Vibration reduction technology, you can wash clothes loaded unevenly, without the noise and vibration problems.

Maytag's top load washers are determined the best. Not only is its capacity quite big for a large house but these washers can rival the efficiency of its front loading counterparts. Miele is the most favorite brand of washer in the Uk in general because it gives its users less problems. It does not authentically break and does a great laundry cleaning job.

The brand of washer you are going to pick will depend on your clothes washing needs. So, be more aware of the good brands out there and find out which one can solve your washer needs.

What is the Best Brand of Washing Machine?

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to Fix a Warped Door

A warp in a door does not invent overnight - it happens gradually, so the sooner you notice, the easier it is to correct. The first real sign may be the door not closing properly, or the lock failing to work.

Doors made from badly seasoned timber are particularly prone to warping, though once you have corrected the warp it is unlikely to return. However, in some instances the warping is caused by exterior factors - such as a radiator sited too close to the door, or bad ventilation. If you hypothesize that this is the case, take steps to deal with the external problems or the warp may recur.

French Door Refrigerators

If the warp is not too severe, there are some ways of forcing the door against the twist. Some of these, however, wish the door to be kept shut and in many cases this is not convenient.

If you can keep the door shut, wedging it shut against the warp for a few days may well prove to be effective.

To do this, look along the door to check the extent of the warp. Then, with the door just touching the doorstop, quantum the gap between the door and stop at the widest point and cut a wooden block slightly larger than this gap. Fit the block at the point where the door and stop shut, so that it touches the stop at top and bottom. If leaving the door shut isn't possible, you can either try altering the position of the hinge on the door frame to take up the twist (see diagram), or else alter the doorstop. How you do this depends on either you have a stop which is a separate piece of wood nailed on (planted) or one cut out of the wood of the door frame itself (rebated). If you have a planted stop, close the door and cut a block of wood slightly larger than the widest gap. Run the block down the edge of the door marking the stop with a pencil. Prise the stop off. Loosen with an old chisel then pull away from the frame with your hands. Plane the stop then refit it flush with the door.

A rebated stop forms part of the door frame and can't be removed. Instead you have to add a shaped piece to the stop to fill the gap.

To do this, quantum the length of the gap between the door and stop. Then quantum the width at the widest point.

Cut a wedge to these dimensions (see diagram) and nail it to the stop at the standard point. Once the wedge is in position, trim it again until you get a exquisite fit.

The remedies above only work if the door has warped at the top or lowest corner. If it has warped in the centre you will have to cut a curved wedge tapered at both ends.

Another way to deal with this problem, if you can take off the door, is to try laying it flat, supported on two chairs, bowed side up. Place some heavy weights on top and leave it for a few days.

How to Fix a Warped Door

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